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Buying a car with J-Spec Imports

Vehicles can be purchased with J-Spec Imports acting as a consultant in 2 ways:

A car is seen on our website that you are interested in, and you contact us for further information and we go from there.


You have a particular car in mind which you would like, and you contact us to actively search for a vehicle matching those requirements

Although either method is fine, if you know you are serious about importing a vehicle at some point, for several reasons it is strongly recommended you sign up in advance:

  • You will have access to auction vehicles for which due to the time frames involved you must be signed up prior or there is insufficient time to act. Auction vehicles are typically priced the best of all sources and the sheer number of them (over 100,000 each week) means there are constantly new cars coming up to choose from.
  • Only contacting us for the first time when you see the right car come along on our site means that you may in fact be missing out on many possibly suitable vehicles as there are a lot more cars out there which J-Spec has access to, but which you would otherwise been unaware of.
  • Customers already signed up with us will always be given first preference on a vehicle. When a very appealing or well priced car is on our site often we will have several people interested in the same car and some will miss out... in these cases a signed up customer is automatically at the head of the queue.

Click for information on how to become a member